Donnerstag, Januar 26, 2006


1st certificate obtained today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 hour of check up
2 hours of answering 500 questions

Now comes the second certificate on
31st January
we will see whether it's
God's will

8 Kommentare:

Blogger mau meinte...

felicidades, congratulations!!!

mi oración está contigo

4:46 AM  
Blogger mau meinte...

felicidades, congratulations!!!

mi oración está contigo

4:46 AM  
Blogger eryx-t meinte...

Hello Heidi,
I wish you to successfully pass your exams on Tuesday!
Being a logo-therapist of this kind sounds very interesting and it surely requires a lot of energy and devotion.
I wish you the best!

5:06 AM  
Blogger ojo humano meinte...

¡Dios te ayudará en todo, eso esperamos!
God is good!
Saludos con cariño

1:30 PM  
Blogger idi meinte...

Hi everybody,
thank you very much to all
for your kind words and prayers
I will answer later in detail

3:12 PM  
Blogger Renee Wagemans meinte...

thank you Heidi for your kind words on my poems. I have read your 2 blogs and I love what I read, even when I do not always comment.
I am so glad you grow so fast in your life woth God!
I really pray He will give you the things you want so deep. But however it turns out tot be you are in his hands and he will never let you go

8:58 PM  
Blogger loloma meinte...

That's great Idi :) So happy for you!

3:14 PM  
Blogger idi meinte...

@ Mau: Muchas gracias, querido Mau por razón de estas palabras. Necesito la oración de tí porque el nuevo camino ha comenzado pero todavío tengo un miráculo que el Senor sabe - Heidi

@ eryx-t: Hello, eryx-t, yes, it is great that I am now allowed to start this way. It's really exciting but you still can pray for me: I need one more wonder. - Energy and devotion - yes: at the moment I already am practising this profession but not professionally only like a learner and I have to pray for my patient because it is not so easy. Thanks for your wishes! Heidi

@ Charles: An young hah seh yoh, Carles!!! Chal chee neh seh yoh??? I just can tell you shortly my blog: I will start a new profession: logopaedist for handicapped in speach. Now I have passed all my examens and on 1st April it will start. I am just preparing to move from Cologne to Dusseldorf. manna pangap sumee da in this blog! Idi

@ojo humano - Querido ojo humano, God is good! Si, si, si!!! Hoy en un café he escuchado una canción may famosa de los "charts/hits/radio from Germany". El título se llama: God is great, Yeah, yeah, yeah, god is good... Verdaderamente me ha gustado mucho escuchar esta canción en la radio y algunos días antes he leído en la biblía el versículo que Jesús ha puesto sus dedos en las orejas y sobre la lengua de la persona enferma, el Senor ha suspirado y ha dicho: Hefata! que quiere decir: Abrete! y las orejas se habían abierto y el espasmo de su lengua desapareció...Aleluya! Esto es el miráculo que necesito cuando estoy practicando a hablar y a oír con mis pacientes. - También saludos con cariño!!! Heidi

@ Renee: Dear Renee, you write: I am so glad you grow so fast in your life with God! Yes, that's also what I am very thankful for! I want to change more and more my thinking to be renewed in spirit, soul AND body and to become more and more a new life! The new profession is one step in that direction and I just wrote to ojo humano that some days ago I read a biblical verse how Jesus healed a man who could not speak - and the belt around his tongue was released... I hope this for my patients... and in the first place naturally that I may be successful in all my studies and in the one point where I still need a wonder in my education... God knows!
"He will give you"... you write... and I believe this because has encouraged my faith and I believe this though there is still one great IMpossibility - but those are HIS possibilities to show his wonders so that His name may be glorified
Thank you that you write: "He will never let you go" There is still one great shock from which I hope that the Lord may protect me and if not that he may give me a WONDERFUL way out of this situation and that he may confirm his word that he gave to me one great time and several more little times...
"Never let you go" even not spiritually for this is the (most!) important thing-however it turns...well my heart is aching while writing this-but that's HIS reality. Thank you that you have read my second blog, too, even without commenting. Thanks! Heidi (at the moment still near Cologne)

@loloma, Dear loloma: Thanks for visiting! And I am so very much happy that today the last test was successful... now I may begin and I may finish in 3 years, I hope, successfully. Yes, I would be happy, also getting the right logo-job after these 3 years, a job in the right town and one/more logo-job(s) where I may stay till I am 63 or 67 or so. Thank you! Heidi

@irina: Hi, irina! Well done, Idi! It feels great to be successful in a work that pleases God... Oh, how nice - that's just the essence of what I am experiencing at the moment - You have just hit the goal - and I hope that my studying will please God, my living with my parents and my logo-job(s) afterwards will please God... that my whole life may please him (my deeds AND thoughts first) more and more - thank you, dear Irina - Yours, Heidi

10:27 PM  

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